My Studio
Photo Gallery - Students past and present

I specialize in taking the mystery out of playing the French horn!
The "secret" is understanding "horn basics".
I present these to students through a clear, logical explanation of the fundamentals along with important concepts and technique.
Private Music Lessons
One hour lessons are only $216 per month
Special price available for 2nd student in family. Please ask.
Based on many years of experience, one hour lessons are required for all brass students.
All lessons must be reserved and paid for in advance by the month with no exceptions!
Lesson Policy
Taking music lessons requires a commitment from both student and instructor. We are committed to your scheduled lesson time each week, in addition to the time spent preparing lesson material for you. You will be required to be on time for your lesson each week and practice your assigned materials.
Advance Payments:
Advance payments are due the last week of each month for the following month. Private Music Lessons are once per week. The fees for private lessons are as follows: $216 per month for one hour lessons. You will be billed in advanced for lessons via e-mail. Payments may be made online with credit card or paypal accounts. In person with Check or cash or credit/debit card.
Students must give a 48-hour notice to cancel a scheduled lesson. In case of illness or other last minute conflict, students need to call as soon as they know they will be missing their scheduled lesson time. Please be aware that time is still set aside if you cancel on short notice. Compensation for our time is required as there is nothing else I can do during that time. Thank you for understanding.
Make-Up Lessons
With 48-hours notice, the missed lesson must be made-up within two weeks or forfeited. There will be no carry-over of missed make-up lessons into the next without prior arrangement with the teacher. We are somewhat flexible on this unless a student has a habit of missing lessons. Special exceptions may be for scheduled vacations or if we cannot find a mutually agreeable date before month end. The lesson will be forfeited if the student does not show up for the make-up date.
Cancellation by Instructor:
There will be immediate notification if I have to cancel a lesson. Cancelled lessons by me, will be rescheduled or credited to student account at my discretion.
Late for Lessons:
Students more than 5 minutes late for their lesson will not get their full time. Lessons are scheduled back to back. Your lesson will end when it is time for the next student to begin. If your lesson starts late because my schedule is running behind, you will get your full amount of time.
No Show Lessons:
If a student misses a lesson without calling (a “no-show”), the student will forfeit the entire lesson and is not entitled to any make-up lesson.
Advance Payment Methods:
Billing statements provided via email in advance of the due date. Payments may be made online via credit card or paypal. In person you may use personal checks, cash or debit/credit cards.
Privacy Policy:
I have a firm commitment to personal privacy, We will never provide or sell customer information to anyone.